A habit you wish you didn't have
I really had to think about this one, not because I am perfect and have no bad habits at all ;) but because my brain just didn't seem to want to function and I couldn't think of anything, do you ever get that? Like when someone asks you a question and you say that you don't know the answer, but when the time has past you think of the best answer imagine but you never get the chance to say it.
Wow, I really did just have a major rant then didn't I!? Anyway after thinking about this for a few minutes I had a brainwave and the habit I wish I didn't have is that when I know there's a surprise for me, I will try my best to find out what it is and ruin everything. Like when someone give me a present, I won't open it because that's just simply wrong, but what I will do is try and peak through any gaps or holes In the bag or I will shake it around, I am now curious as to whether you all now just think that I am too childish for my age...
lots of love
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