Gah, lets just all take a few seconds to admire the beauty of these shoes... ok now lets get on with the post...
If you live in England I sure you will all feel my pain in the fact that our summer seems to have disappeared, so what better way to make myself feel better than to buy a new pair of shoes. You probably do not know this but next week I am turning the big one eight (yes that's 18, and yes that does mean I am soon to be a responsible adult, god help the world) and I needed some shoes to hit the town, and these are what I picked...
I have had my eye on these badboys for a few weeks now but they never seemed to have my size, damn you Primark, but the other day I was in luck and they had some, and in typical me style I snatched them up and went directly to the checkout. At £10 they are a complete bargain and ones which you could match with endless outfits. Now I'm not a person who normally wears heeled shoes which is down to my height, I'm slightly tall (around 5'8/5'9 if you must know) so I wanted to get heels because I would feel underdressed but i didn't want to go too high so that I look un-humanly tall. So the height of these shoes are just perfect, plus rather comfy so I'm able to throw some serious shapes, oh yeah.
I know feel ready to celebrate my birthday in style! Oh and keep a look out in the coming weeks for a full birthday night out post.
p.s any gifts are welcome ;)
lots of love
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