Be yourself, Be happy

Hello people of the internet.

I haven't wrote to you all in a little while and I thought what better than to give you all a little positive motivation, how kind of me.

Be yourself, Be happy.

Over the years, particularly my years at secondary school, I felt the pressure to be a certain way and it happens to every single on of us at some point in our lives. Sometimes we feel that if we look, act or do something in a certain way then it would make us 'fit in' and who out there wants to feel as though they don't, right? As I made the transition from secondary school into college I found that by being able to wear my own clothes everyday it enabled me to be the person I really am and not pretend to be someone else to fit in,  this was because everyone else was also doing the same thing, discovering that being themselves was a much easier and happier way to live. So really my message that I am trying to get across in this post is that no matter what you look like, what your hobbies are or how you act in life you can be happy in knowing that you have done it all by being yourself and that sure is something to be proud of. There's no better feeling than knowing that people like you for exactly who you are rather than someone that you're not.

If this post makes just one person feel good about themselves than to me this post was a success, I know I don't normally do posts like this but I thought I would be a nice change, let me know if you want me to do more posts like this.

lots of love



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