Cute vase idea

Since leaving college I have found myself with a lot of spare time until I start university in September, and I have been spending some of my time doing something creative. Today I thought I would tell you how to make these really cute and easy vases from just old bottles, so I am also helping the environment at the same time, you can thank me later.

To make these vases you will need to find some glass bottles, I just used a lager bottle and a pop bottle but any bottle of your choice is fine and will look unique. Then you will need some paint that will actually stick to the glass, so paint glass will be fine, I went for more pastel colours just because I think they will be nice for the summer. If you wanted you could then use some string and beads or any little trinkets to wrap around the vase just to give it a more unique feel.

Instead of painting the outside of the bottle, I poured my chosen paint into the bottle so it covoured the inside, this means that you won't get horrible streaky lines. 

Then you just need to leave it to dry! easy. Once it has dried you can then add any final details like the string or you could stick shells to them, anything you like really.

I hoped you like these kind of posts, let me know if you do as I have really been enjoying making things at the minute and I like sharing ideas with you all.

lots of love 



  1. I love the mint dress. That color is very popular this season, and understandably so! The lace details are adorable.

  2. Hey looking beautiful! I am going to buy the same combination for this winter.

  3. Pretty color and dress. :-) I'm not sure what my color is but I think it's geared towards earth tones.
    Harold Burton

  4. These dresses are gorgeous! I've never heard of Ever Pretty before. I think the first dress stands out the most to me. I love the lace!
    Kelly Hubbard


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